Strike the Blood season 2 release date

11:27 0 Comments

The events in this series are set in an alternate reality. The existence of various different demons here has long been recognized. In the vastness of the Pacific Ocean there is even an island called “Itogamijima” where demons are the same citizens, as human beings, and have the same rights.
However, in this world there are people wizards who hunt demons, namely vampires. An ordinary Japanese schoolboy, whose name is Akatsuki Kodzyo for some reason becomes a "full-blooded vampire." He is followed by a young girl named Himeraki Yukina ("Shaman’s Blade"), who must always follow Akatsuki and instantly kill him if he gets out of control.
The creators of the TV series Strike the Blood have not yet announced the fate of the second season, but the internet is full of rumors about a possible sequel. Fans are eagerly waiting to see new episodes. If you have any information on the new season, share it in the comments below.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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