The events in this series are set in an alternate reality. The existence of various different demons here has long been recognized. In the vastness of the Pacific Ocean there is even an island called “Itogamijima” where demons are the same citizens, as human beings, and have the same rights.
However, in this world there are people wizards who hunt demons, namely vampires. An ordinary Japanese schoolboy, whose name is Akatsuki Kodzyo for some reason becomes a "full-blooded vampire." He is followed by a young girl named Himeraki Yukina ("Shaman’s Blade"), who must always follow Akatsuki and instantly kill him if he gets out of control.
The creators of the TV series Strike the Blood have not yet announced the fate of the second season, but the internet is full of rumors about a possible sequel. Fans are eagerly waiting to see new episodes. If you have any information on the new season, share it in the comments below.
This is another good fantasy series that was first released in the fall of 2014. There’s no place for comedy here – this story is about a dramatic fight of a princess who lost her throne.
The story begins as a fairytale about a capricious young princess who doesn’t know anything about life and shortly turns into a bloody drama, when Princess Yona loses everything she has – her father, her kingdom and her home. Why does this happen? Because of her cousin’s ambitions, which drive him to kill the king and take over the kingdom. Yona almost died herself, but was saved by her loyal servants. Son Hak – Yona’s bodyguard – follows the girl in her wandering and together they try to run away from the warriors of Soo-won who are attempting to catch and kill the princess.
This is not a romantic tale about love because all of the love was viciously destroyed during the first episode. This is a harsh story of how a delicate princess becomes a warrior and protects her kingdom with the help of dragon-protectors.
This story is quite long and season two will probably start as soon as season one is over some time in July of 2015.
Will Soo-won be able to protect his throne? Will Yona avenge her father’s murderer? What secret did the murdered king keep and why did he expel his brother and refuse Yona to marry Soo-won?